Pioneer Water Tanks come in a range of colours to suit your preferences
Pioneer tanks are both modern and finished neatly and compliments any modern home and the environment it is being used. Not only are they a good looking tank they are the manufactured and installed to meet Australia harshest climates and conditions.
Pioneer Water Tanks Standard Colours
Pioneer water tanks use only Australian BlueScope steelPioneer has a large range of standard Colorbond options the standard range is as follows:
Pioneer Water tank in a BlueScope Next generation Zincalume
Pioneer water tank in Mangrove BlueScope Colorbond
Pale Eucalypt
Pioneer Water Tank in Pale Eucalyp Colorbond
Woodland Grey
Pioneer water tank in Woodland Grey Colorbond steel
Classic Cream
Pioneer water tank in Classic Cream Colorbond steel
Pioneer water tank in Wallaby Colorbond steel
Pioneer water tank in Monument Colorbond steel
Pioneer water tank in a Paperbark Colorbond steel
Pioneer water tank in a Basalt Colorbond steel
Pioneer Water Tanks
Non-standard colour options
Please note the Non standard colours attract an additional cost

Shale Grey


Deep Ocean

Manor red

Night Sky

Cottage green


Evening Haze
